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About Laura's Shop

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Shawnee, Kansas

Fluff. (n) ...generally happy content [Urban Dictionary] The Fluff of Life designs shirts to celebrate the stuff of life - the good, the bad, the funny - in a 'generally happy' way.

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Fluff. (n) ...generally happy content [Urban Dictionary] The Fluff of Life designs shirts to celebrate the stuff of life - the good, the bad, the funny - in a 'generally happy' way.

All the craziness of parenting is made crazier by the extra things we work hard to give our kids - sports, music lessons, homemade dinner. Its all the stuff of life that creates moments and make memories but also makes for a hectic, activity scheduled family life.

As a Mom of 4, I was finding less and less to smile about while running kids everywhere. It was the occasional comment or phrase which made me laugh that helped me to pause and remember to find the joy.

I hope you enjoy shopping The Fluff of Life where designs focus on finding humor in the stuff of life.

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